Thursday, August 21, 2008

Yves Behar video

Yves behar is a fascinating guy. He really places a huge importance on the relevance of what you are designing, ‘does that need to be there?’ he questions what is necessary and what is not. To me this makes a lot of sense, whether you are re-designing something, or designing a new product why include anything that is unessecery, this baggage has no use. Let alone can be confusing.
He talks about how objects tell stories, and it is the challenge of the designer to predict and anticipate the story your product will tell. I thought it was interesting that he felt trapped in his workplace, so he decided to start a business of his own. not satisfied to just design skins. With a desire to do more than design skins he wanted to work on the entire human experience. He realised that to match the human need it would be necessary to be involved in the complete package
Until now I had never heard of his leaf light. I am defiantly surprised at how long it took to develop, four years seems an eternity. I think the reasounding message in Yves’ video, is that design is more than just making things look pretty, its about doing the complete design from the inside out.

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