Friday, August 15, 2008

Ross Lovegrove: Organic Design

Wow Lovegrove seems to think pretty highly of himself. I found it interesting to hear how much money/time had been spent on various product developments, but could'nt help but wonder if either were well spent. Lovegrove's emphasis on a "fat-free" design really comes across as his essence. i dont necesarily agree with his predictions that, in the future we will be using predominately organic materials, however,i think it is interesting that he is trying to make it work. he really values impressionism and simplicity. He is very instict driven, so much so that he comes across as having his head in the clouds, but perhaps that is whats so great about him, he is'nt limited or constrained by what has been done before. Its like in his design process he says, "heres my idea- now lets make it work", instead of, heres are the constraint,s now what can we do within these limitatins.

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